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Jlex Review add one column to _jlexreview_factor to save user's information


Where is INSERT INTO in codes , So I change it to save user's email in added column after factor16?

Best Wishes

4 replies

I recommend you don't should change structure of table. It can affect to JLex Review component.
By default, email of user will be stored in _jlexreview table.
Yes,But I need to report _jlexreview_factor table , Now I just need to add userID in last of table when it inserting new row in _jlexreview_factor.
It needs 3 steps :
1 : add needed element in factor.php located in administrator/components/com_jlexreview/tables/factor.php
2: add columns after f16 in _jlexreview_factor table, I have needed date so I added extra TIMESTAMP field with default  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and userID as varchar,
3: in components/com_jlexreview/models/reviews.php line 1132 I added $ftData['usid']=$post['author_email'];
...It will easy if you are developer and I trust that :D.
In file: components/com_jlexreview/models/reviews.php , you do same as with voting (if this feature is enable).
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