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Locking access to all and then only 1 page to register - Jlex Block


I am trying to figure out a way to have a nice splash page with a username/password or just password to block the site to anyone. Then based on that credential value redirect the user to a specific page to register so I can assign him to a specific group. Would JLex Block do that for me?

Thank you.

3 replies

Would you like block all page except register page ? If that, JLex BLock can help you :)
No. Sorry if I mis-explained.
1. The whole site is blocked for everyone except one page where users can identify themselves with a username/password or just password.
2. Now based on that password they are redirected to a specific page on the site. So let's say pass1 goes to /page1, pass2 to /page2 and so on.
3. From there the user can register or log in.

Would that work?
Thank you.
Yes. It's possible in new version :)
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