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Updates: Release JLex Review v6.1.7 🥳

Links in Reviews

Matt Hunt
Is there a way for JLex Review to automatically force links in reviews to open a new window when clicked on?

6 replies

May I don't understand your question. Would you like open each review in new window instead of itself window ?
Matt Hunt
Not the review itself, but any links that are put in the review. Title

Is there a way for JLex Review to automatically force links in reviews to open a new window when clicked on?

Not the review itself, but any links that are put in the review. Title

Can you preview it ?? I don't understand :(
Matt Hunt
When someone puts a link to another site in a review. It is automatically hyperlinked so when you click on the link it takes you to the new location in the same window. Is there a way to format that link with a "target="_blank" so that it opens a new window when you click on it.
Yes, you can do that by add this script to your page:
(function($) {
window.setInterval (function(){
$(".reviewBlock a").not(".elink").each (function(){
$(this).addClass ("elink");

var b = $(this)[0];
b.getAttribute("href") && b.hostname !== location.hostname && (b.target = "_blank");
}, 500);
}) (jQuery)

You can put it in file:  templates/aquacorals/script.js or components/com_jlexreview/assets/jlexreview.min.js
Matt Hunt
Perfect! Thank you so much!
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