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JLex Review, aggregate rating and MVC questions

Tangopolix Website
Hi there,

I'm interested in JLex Review and I would like to clarify some points:

1 - Is it possible to configure that the total star rating for an article is the average of all the multiple ratings for that article?
2 - Does JLex Review comply with standard Joomla MVC architecture? Are template override possible?
3 - Does JLex Review require Mootools being enabled?

Many thanks

3 replies

1. Yes, we called is Mini-star, you can see in head of page: http://demo.jlexart.com/
2. It built for MVC base on Joomla framework, template is stored in components/templates folder. Of couse, you can create other templates but it must stored in this folder.
3. No, this component use jQuery lib.

I hope these information can help you !

Thanks for your quick answer, however still it is not clear to me. Please let me clarify

1 - What I mean is that the value of the mini stars can be a calculation from the other ratings. For example, in your demo I can vote 10/10 for pin and 20/20 for design, however I am also able to provide just 1 mini-star. What I would like is that the user does NOT set the number of mini stars. The number of mini-stars should be calculated automatically depending on the other ratings. For example, if I provide 10/10 for pin and 20/20 for design the mini stars should be 5. Is this possible?

2 - In Joomla template overrides are done on the template folder, template/my_template/html/com_jlex... is this supported?

Hi guy,

1. "I can vote 10/10 for pin and 20/20 for design" <= We called is factor(s). The number of mini-stars will be calculated automatically depending on the other ratings if you enable Rate by factor feature.

2. Unfortunately, JLex Review only support theme if theme's folder placed in components/com_jlexreview/templates :(
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