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JLex Review

FMP Manager
Hello. I am looking for a Joomla review extension that can do the following:

Allow my magazine/site staff to write articles and review/rate movies, tv shows, etc., using a set of defined criteria (i.e., plot, characters, etc.)
Allow members to enter their comments and likewise enter their ratings using that same criteria
Can work with either native Joomla content or K2
Uses Joomla groups/ACL

Based on the demo site it looks like JLex Review could do all this, but I just need to confirm. Please let me know. Thanks! :)

3 replies

Yes. It response all your requests ;) : (But please make sure that you placed all your  magazine/site staff not in member group => Using to use ACL)

Allow my magazine/site staff to write articles and review/rate movies, tv shows, etc., using a set of defined criteria (i.e., plot, characters, etc.)
Allow members to enter their comments and likewise enter their ratings using that same criteria
Can work with either native Joomla content or K2
Uses Joomla groups/ACL

FMP Manager
Regarding magazine/site staff, does that mean they cannot belong to the same group as members? Or, is it okay if they belong to multiple groups (For example, group Members and group Staff)?
Yes. Because as your request, only staff can leave a review and member only put comment :)
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