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Zoom in a custom component

Hi, great plugin, love it, but i need help,
first (TIP), the images was load in a random order, i change the line 96 for jlex360.php to this, and fix:
$this->params->get ( 'direction', 'forward' ) ? rsort ( $files, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE ) : asort ( $files, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE );

second, i need add a zoom, the plugin is loading in a custom component using this:
<?php echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', '{jlex360}folder:'.$galeria360.'{/jlex360}'); ?>
but i wanna add a zoom, but if add params to the script this dont load.... i try some like this:
<?php echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', '{jlex360}folder:'.$galeria360.', zoomfolder:'.$galeria360.'{/jlex360}'); ?>

Can help me? thanks so much

2 replies

Try it:
<?php echo JHtml::_('content.prepare', '{jlex360}"folder":"'.$galeria360.'","zoomfolder":"'.$galeria360.'"{/jlex360}'); ?>
Hope it work!
i tried but just don't show nothing... :-(
@JLexArt is wrote at 2017-04-18 01:49:25
Try it: [code][/code] Hope it work!
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