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Images are not showing


I have tried everything including direct links to the folder but can not seem to get the viewer to show up.  I have done this:

and any other thing I can think of. Your help is appreciated.


10 replies

Please make sure that jlex360 is exist. Try check through URL: http://{yoursite}/jlex360
If you place this folder in images folder, please use: {jlex360}folder:images/jlex360{/folder} <= no markup for this string.
... and a demo URL will help me better :)

So here is my link to the folder and initial test image: http://www.genzusa.com/jlex360/Rubix/1.jpg

This is what I have it at. {jlex360}folder:jlex360/Rubix/{/jlex360}
I see you are using {jlex360}/jlex360/Rubix/{/jlex360} instead of {jlex360}folder:jlex360/Rubix{/jlex360} :(
PM me and give me your site's access, I will help you ;)
{jlex360}folder:jlex360/Rubix{/jlex360}  just tried this and this does not show up images. In the folder jlex360/Rubix there is an image called 1.jpg
Hi, please PM and give me your site's access, I will help you
I can't give out the private pass codes to get into the server. However, can't you tell me what the correct code is to pull the images?
There is all I can't know if this plugin don't run:
- Structure wrong. The correct is: {jlex360}folder:jlex360/Rubix{/jlex360} with no-markup (so you should toggle editor to insert this code).
- The plugin disabled. This plugin is use for Joomla Content, K2 and Vm, so please make sure you are enabled in plugin manager

When site is running, you will see the structure text will replace by Image 360. ;)
I played around more and clicked on

  Prepare Document

And that seemed to create it correctly and show up.

Now if I want to create more 360 views on the same page, I just create a new folder and direct to it, correct?
Exactly ! ;)
thanks, Do you anticipate ever doing a button option with zoom, play, pause, direction?
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