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How to use JLex360, Image not rotating?

Hello Guys,
I can't get the image to rotate.

Please see screenshot attached.

I have inserted the following code on the article after activating plugin.
This is 360 Degrees Demo plugin from JLex

{jlex360} "folder":"images/jlex360", "autoplay":1, "pins":[ { "x":20, "y":40, "frame":0, "title":"Title of pin", "desc":"Description of pin" } ] {/jlex360}

I created a folder inside images called JLex320 and inside is an image called BBQ1.jpg

The image shows on the site but is not rotating.

what Did I do wrong? Any advise will be very much appreciated.

8 replies

Also, do I need to add more than one photo like the product front, side left, side right, and back? Just confuse on how to get this to work.
Updated path to: {jlex360} "folder":"images/jlex360/BBQs.jpg", "autoplay":1, "pins":[ { "x":20, "y":40, "frame":0, "title":"Title of pin", "desc":"Description of pin" } ] {/jlex360}

shows blank page on the site.
Can you give me URL of your site ? And in folder images/jlex360, you must have multiple images (not one).
Try use this file (unzip first) and replace for: plugins/content/jlex360/jlex360.php
ZIP jlex360.php.zip 2.54 K
Great work guys, this did the magic. However, I notice that the auto fly is too fast, is it possible to slow it down? If not, maybe I can just remove the auto play.
It will work better if you increase frame (number of image ~36 or higher). Otherwise, you can turn off auto play ;)
Hi JLexArt, I increased the frame by 90 is still pinning very fast. How can I get it to work just like the one found here on your demo: http://demo.jlexart.com/other-extensions/jlex-360
I have been checked your site but only see 5 pic. I want to say the number frame/360 degree :o
Okay, in other to have it at a good speed I have to increase the number of pics. I checked the demo, I think it has about 50pics, that's really a lot for just one product.
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