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question for API?

hi all. is it possible to obtain from the table the last review of the material, knowing the material ID in a mysql table?

5 replies

hi all. is it possible to obtain from the table the last review of the material, knowing the material ID in a mysql table?
May I don't understand your question. But if you know ID of an entry, you can use JLex Review module to retrieve latest reviews.
In other words. Can I get the last review through the API if you know the record ID? (Not using module) i.e. embed code in the template output K2 for example and get the latest review on the fly!
You can use this syntax to get latest review based on ID k2:
For MySQL: SELECT * FROM #__jlexreview WHERE `object`="k2" AND `object_id`={ID} ORDER BY created DESC  (!! Replace #_ by your database prefix).
For Joomla embed code:
$db = JFactory::getDBO ();
$query  = $db->getQuery (true);
$query->select ("*")->from ("#__jlexreview")->where ("object='k2' AND object_id={ID}")->order ("created DESC");
$rows = $db->setQuery ($query,0,10)->loadObjectList ();

--->> $row is an Object has review property -->> Continue your code -->>
p/s: I recommend you should use JLex Review module, because you can use some trick to add this module anywhere.
thanks for reply!
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