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Jlex Block - nothing happens after typing in the password

My current version is 4.7.1.
In the front end, when I type in the password, the page doesn't direct me to the protected article. Instead, The field where I am supposed to type in the password appears again empty. There is no "wrong password" message.
What can I do to solve the problem?

Thank you in advance

6 replies

May your hosting site is turning on Cache mode (Hosting not Joomla site), so you should turn off it.
The problem is that it doesn't happen in all cases. Only with some pages that are protected with Jlex Block. In other cases it works fine.

BTW, the problem occurs only with Docman filtered lists and filtered tables, as far as I can tell.
Can you give me address page has this issue ?
Sorry for being late with my answers. I have a lot of things on my mind and even more things to do.:(
I just tested it from a different computer and everything seems to be working just fine. I'll check it some more and I will let you know.
In case you want to check, the address is "http://dddpms.bscc.duth.gr/index.php/pages/2015-02-02-15-01-12/ana-mathima/fsf-2" and the password is "dddkona2016".
Please let me know if you have any problems such as the ones I mentioned above.
Thanks again
I just type password and see it work normally. :). You try clear your browser and try again.
I am abroad at the moment. But everywhere I tries there seems to be no problem. I will just follow your advice when I get back home.
Thank you for the support
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