Hello dear support Victor :) I need a little advice/guidance  on one idea I came up for my current project.

I would like to create one Joomla article custom SQL field for it to read values from jlexreview_entry SQL table for me to display it on places I want it to. As I have noticed that ID of item in that table is same as article (very smart btw) I realised I can do this. But my atempts to do that resulted in me breaking website several times already so better for me to ask.

Logic would be: Read value form that table but for this (current) article and display its value in field.
And that I would be able to use on so many ways.

I have tried with using this github post as sort of tutorial because it looked similar but it yealds no results:

As I said I would like to hear your advice as this is out of scope regarding support.

Thank you!