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How embed images from a "limited view - link only" Picasa album?

AIWC Genoa
Hi, I just installed the Gallery for K2 & Content plugin and it works great for a Picasa album set to public view.

But my problem is that I need to embed images from a private, or at least semi-private Picasa album, such as the kind you can only see if you have the link. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

3 replies

Unfortunately, this is impossible. For private or limited album, Google require authentication. Therefore, the application can not get the data. :(

is it still not possible even with the pro version?
Thank you

If your album set permission is: Limit link (not only you), you can do following:
- Use file attached in this pos, then unzip and replace to: plugins/system/galleryanywhere/assets/galleryanywhere.js
- In Picasa field, set type is album and set value is: {user id}/{album name}?authkey={key} (authkey is request).
Eg: 1071812674238**2546/Decem**72015?authkey=Gv1sRgCPab8O**LpsgE
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