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How embed images from a "limited view - link only" Picasa album?

AIWC Genoa
Hi, I just installed the Gallery for K2 & Content plugin and it works great for a Picasa album set to public view.

But my problem is that I need to embed images from a private, or at least semi-private Picasa album, such as the kind you can only see if you have the link. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

3 replies


is it still not possible even with the pro version?
Thank you

Unfortunately, this is impossible. For private or limited album, Google require authentication. Therefore, the application can not get the data. :(
If your album set permission is: Limit link (not only you), you can do following:
- Use file attached in this pos, then unzip and replace to: plugins/system/galleryanywhere/assets/galleryanywhere.js
- In Picasa field, set type is album and set value is: {user id}/{album name}?authkey={key} (authkey is request).
Eg: 1071812674238**2546/Decem**72015?authkey=Gv1sRgCPab8O**LpsgE
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