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Display all the table before click on search

I need the entire table to be displayed before doing the search.
How can I do that? could you add that function?

3 replies

Please use the file I attached below and replace to components/com_jlexlookup/models/table.php

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
ZIP table.php.zip 1.14 K
@Reg is wrote at 2023-11-08 19:35:29
hey uhh is this still a thing? How can we do it on our own?
hey uhh is this still a thing? How can we do it on our own?
@JLexArt is wrote at 2022-11-12 03:03:53
Hello, It's not too difficult to add this feature. If you need it, please give me your site access, I will help you soon. Best regards, Victor Nguyen.
It's not too difficult to add this feature. If you need it, please give me your site access, I will help you soon.

Best regards,
Victor Nguyen.
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