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Updates: Release JLex Review v6.1.7 🥳

Open Jlex in lightbox

Steen Olesen
I need the jlex360 to open in a lightbox via a link or an image.

I have created a K2 item with just one jlex360. When I load this page, everything is working as expected (http://medicsport.detmindrebureau.dk/360/360-test.html)
In addition I have created another K2 item where I have placed a link (using "Modals" from Nonumber). When I click this link, I just get one image displayed (http://medicsport.detmindrebureau.dk/produkter/kredsloeb/loebebaand/loebebaand-1.html).

What am I doing wrong?

3 replies

We was checked your site. It still works, but sometimes interrupted :(.  "Modals" from Nonumber that you are using hasn't fully load the necessary components, so that JLex 360 can't run.
We recommend using Modal box (http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/style-a-design/popups-a-iframes/10715) to replaces for above extension ;). We think it will be more suitable.
Steen Olesen
I have installed Modal Box and disabled Nonumber. In fact that only made things worse. jlex360 still doesn't work and on top of this, Modal Box loads the entire page and not only the item :(
Sincerely apologize :(. Modal box only support images, so that JLex360 not work. We looked and found extensions will suit you: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net/downloads/mediabox

After installed, you must enable it.

Now, you insert <a class="jcepopup rel=" href="http://medicsport.detmindrebureau.dk/360/360-test.html?tmpl=component">Your Text</a> into article or product (HTML code editor) :)

Please remove Modal Box, this will make your site run faster.
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